
District assembly

Meeting of the district assembly in the armoury building in the district capital, Wismar [(c): LK NWM]
Meeting of the district assembly in the armoury building in the district capital, Wismar [(c): LK NWM]

The district assembly is the elected representative body for the citizens of the administrative district of North-West Mecklenburg; it is also the highest-level organisational unit for formulating the district's will and for deciding upon formal resolutions. Within the district authority's own remit of operations, the assembly is competent to deal with all important matters and to monitor the administration's activities. This separate remit includes the tasks required of the administrative district, either as local obligatory tasks (e.g. in aid projects for youth and for certain other specified social groups, as well as in waste-management and in local public transport) or as a voluntary task (e.g. in the district's agricultural museum or the district's music school).

It convenes alternately at the armoury building in the district capital, Wismar, and at the administrative facility in Grevesmühlen. It is a point of principle that the sessions are open to the public. Location, time and agenda of the district assembly meetings are publicised on the administrative district's homepage, are displayed on the district administration's notice-boards in Wismar and Grevesmühlen, and can be viewed in the citizens' information system. The public can only be excluded if this is required by overriding considerations of public well-being or by individuals' justified interests.

Enquiries can be directed to the district assembly or to the administrative head of the district, or respectively proposals and inputs/suggestions can be submitted, on matters of concern to the administrative district; this is done in the context of residents' question time, at the start of each district assembly session; such matters can be raised by residents of the district assembly's constituency aged 14 or over, and also by natural persons and juristic persons and associations of persons that possess or use real estate/land in the assembly's constituency area, or operate a business enterprise in it.


President of the district assembly

Klaus Becker, President of the district assembly [(c): LK NWM]
Klaus Becker, President of the district assembly [(c): LK NWM]

The President of the District Assembly for North-West Mecklenburg is Klaus Becker.

After attending primary school and middle school in his birthplace, Merseburg, in 1962 Klaus Becker passed his state qualifying examination as a primary school teacher. In 1972, after a five-year distance-learning course of study, he acquired the title of "Graduate Teacher". Firstly in Zurow and then later in Glasin, in what was then the Wismar Administrative District, he worked as a teacher until 1990.

In 1989 he joined the "New Forum" and in 1990 he was chosen by the town's first democratically-elected representative body as the Mayor of Neukloster, re-elected in 1994, and once again (this time by direct election) in 2002. He exercised the full-time office of Mayor of the town or respectively Head Administrative Official of the Neukloster-Warin town administration, until reaching that post's age limit in 2009.

From 1990 onwards –with a break from 1994-1998 - Klaus Becker was a Member of the Wismar (later the North-West Mecklenburg) District Assembly. He was committee chairman, Deputy President of the District Assembly, and then President of the District Assembly from 2009-2011.

In the District Assembly's constituent session for the 2014-2019 electoral period, Klaus Becker was once again elected President of the District Assembly.


Office of the district assembly

Susanne Bohne, office of the district assembly [(c): LK NWM]
Susanne Bohne, office of the district assembly [(c): LK NWM]

The office of the district assembly is the link connecting the district assembly, the administration and the public. This is where all data of relevance for the district assembly and its committees converge; they are checked and, where applicable, they are processed further. Among other areas, these include the following:

  • Preparation and follow-up work for sessions of the district assembly and of the district committees
  • Providing support to the specialist services in preparing and doing the follow-up work on all subject-specific committee sessions
  • Providing support to the president of the district assembly; coordinating and preparing the latter's engagements
  • Processing residents' queries submitted to the district assembly or to its president
  • Processing queries and assignments issued to the administration by the district assembly
  • Providing consultation to the district assembly's members, to residents with subject-specific knowledge, and to parliamentary parties in matters relating to the district assembly

Foundations for the work of the district assembly:

  • Municipal constitution of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Main articles of association for the district assembly of North-West Mecklenburg
  • Order of business for the district assembly of North-West Mecklenburg
